About Me

My photo
Kingston, Nova Scotia, Canada
Well, I'm 23 years old and the daughter of a preacher man. I'm a shipper-receiver for Tommy Hilfiger in Dartmouth, Ns. I'm an easy going girl and very easy to get along with. I love to drive, and yeah, I can drive a stick. And um... my favorite colour is yellow. :)

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Hey!!!! I'm not dead!!!

Ok. I've become HORRIBLE with updating this blog. It used to be pretty regular, but I've been working a lot, and such, so blogging has kinda gone to the back burner. Plus, no one really reads it anyways. So... what's the point?

Update: Working at Tommy Hilfiger in Dartmouth Crossings full time as their stock-girl. However, we stopped receiving boxes a while ago due to the Christmas season so I've been doing visual and sales, and cash, and all that jazz. Been there 3 months now.

Living in Dartmouth, still by myself. That is, unless you count crazy Roger, who's begun to stare at walls... *shrug*

Chris and I are still together. 10 months so far.

We had a pretty good Christmas. Lots of traveling and such. Spent Christmas eve and morning with mom and dad in Kentville, then came back to Dartmouth to spend Christmas night with Chris. We had a nice dinner with his parents, grandparents, aunt Marj, aunt Debbie, uncle Roger and cousin Robbie. (If I got the names wrong, don't shoot me). After dinner, we had a nice gift exchange. Chris and I had our own little Christmas downstairs. Got some cute stuff, some really nice stuff, and a "cheque" for half of next month's rent :) Whoot! Some other gift highlights from mom and dad: new winter jacket, new dresser for my over-abundance of clothes, work socks, a blender, some clothes, toilet cleaner brush (I needed one BAD), etc.

A few days after Christmas, one of Chris's cousins had gotten married so we went to the reception. Had a pretty good time. There were a LOT of people there, so I kinda hung around Chris's parents, and his brother and his girlfriend (Craig and Wendy). Lots of food, some nice pictures taken.

That's been life as of recently. Its currently New Years Eve and I'm at some friend's house (Sean and Tamara). Chris has to work tonight. I guess that's the price you pay for working at a semi high-end restaurant as a cook. Oh well, drinks and party games until he gets off work.

And yeah... that's about it.

Friday, May 30, 2008

I know... its been a while

This has to be short, because I don't really have that much time.

But, I'm alive! Lol.

Last you heard from me I was in Kingston, as a nanny. Well, that job went WONKY. Kinda like the family went crazy. I wont really go into detail right now, maybe some other time. But, I'm now living in Dartmouth, have my own apartment with my kitty Roger, and an awesome boyfriend, Chris. Yes, the same one I mentioned in my last post.

I -had- a job at a security company as an operator/dispatched. LOVED IT. But... something went wonky and I was let go for 'missed time'... even though all I missed was 4 days. 2 of them when dad was in the hospital with his heart-attack (I'll write more on that in a later post), and 2 when I was sick (annnnd called in sick those days) and none of these days were close to when they fired me. I'm looking for answers, but they wont return my phone calls. Convienient? I think so.

So, anyways, I'm now on the job hunt again. But, everyone's welcome to come visit me and my Roger in our new apartment in Dartmouth just off Wyse Rd. Email me for address and my new cell phone number.

Ciao for now folks.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Skiing hurts

Alright. So continued:

We go to the pub, and manage to find another friend, Chris Mummery, along the way. Becky, Mummery (as I'll refer to him as), Chris Landry, and I head in, and manage to find a table in the very packed place. There was a lice band, and people were really enjoying themselves. We ordered a few drinks, and a party platter, and got to talking. We chit-chatted about a lot of stuff - most of which I can't remember right now. Then, one of the band members walked by. Chris stopped him and asked if they could play 'La Mamba'. The gentleman said that they probably didn't know it, and that he was sorry. Chris said that was fine, and we continued to chit-chat and laugh and take pictures.
About 10 minutes later, the band finishes a song, and we hear 'Is Chris still out there? Chris? We're gonna play you're song!' Chris was over-joyed. He took his cowboy hat back (since I had stolen it and wore it most of the night) and headed up to the band to enjoy the song with his drink. I watched a few seconds, and then decided to go up and join him. We stood there, drinking our drinks, and semi dancing to the music, with our arms around each other... then we started to get into the music. We started dancing, and Chris set down his beer. The song was 'La Bamba' and 'Do The Twist' combination. We danced our hearts out, and then showed our appreciation for the amazing job the band did. I took Chris's hat back, and we went back to the table. We continue to eat and drink and chat when we hear "Chris?! You still out there? Come on up! You need a partner!" Chris looked at me, just as I stood up and we headed up front, hand in hand. It was a slow song. Which slow song, I can't remember. Chris and I slow danced and talked a bit. After that song, we went back to the table to finish up. By this time it was getting mighty late, and I felt horrible since Claire was waiting for me. I urged the crew to hurry up, they finished their drinks, and we headed off. Chris and I got gas, and then hopped on the highway.

On the drive, kinda around Mount Uniacke, Chris started talking about how he'd been doing some thinking, and sole searching, and that he needs to find a mommy for his new kitty, Roslyn. He then told me that I had a lot of qualities that he liked, that I made him happy and content, and asked if I would like to start a relationship with him. I smiled, and said of course I would. We sat there, driving down the 101, holding hands, and being all cute for a good 5 minutes, before I started to laugh... pretty hard. He kinda looked at me, wondering what was up. "Do you realize that if, and I'm going to say if, because that's how life is, if this continues to be a long-term thing, we'll only have an anniversary every 4 years?" (Being a leap year). He too laughed, kissed my hand, and we got back to cranking the music and driving.

I dropped him off at his place in Dartmouth, and told him I'd see him in the morning, and headed off to Claire's in Cole Harbour. By this time, it's about 1:30. I parked, texting Claire along the way to tell her where I was so she could meet me at the door. I got to the door... Claire's not there. I texted her telling her I was at the door... no Claire... I texted her telling her I was cold... Then one that said "Hello"... and then another that said "Claire"
'Great', I thought to myself, 'She's asleep'. So... I drove up to a gas station to use the payphone. I called and woke her up then went BACK to her house. We stayed up for probably 1.5 hours chit-chatting before finally falling asleep around 3:30. She told me she wanted to do McDonalds in the morning, so she'd set her alarm for 6am so we'd have time, since I was due to pick up Chris at 8.
9:45 I wake up. PANIC! I went downstairs, got dressed in my many layers, washed up, then went in the rec room to put my many socks on and text Chris to tell him I was on my way. I then heard THUD THUD THUD THUD THUD. The sound of Claire running down the stairs. She comes up to me "I'M SO SORRY!" I laughed and said it was ok. I hugged her, grabbed my stuff, and then headed back to Dartmouth to pick up the man.

I picked him up, said good morning to his mom and dad, and then headed to Wendy's to grab a small brunch, then to Windsor - Martock. We park. I get nervous. We get ourselves ready - I get more nervous. We go inside to get our passes and skis and whatnot - I get more and more nervous. We head outside, and I realize just how un-comfortable ski boots are. We go down the bunny hill a bit (probably about an hour) and I'm starting to get the hang of it, but in no condition to go down the big hill. Yet, Chris, who's almost an expert skier, was kinda itching to go. I told him to go ahead and actually ski, and I'll stay here and practice. He agreed, kissed me, and then took off for the chair-lift. I went down the bunny hill a few times, helped a little girl up who had fallen, watched some skiers, went down a bunch more times, watched skiers, stood by a tree, took my skis off, sat under the tree. Finally Chris showed up, very apologetic. It had been about 45 minutes that he was gone. I said it was alright, that I had just sat down. He then proceeded to tell me that when he was heading up the ski lift, he saw some kid lose control on a snowboard and smash into a tree. Chris went down the hill for him as fast as he could after he got off the lift, and screamed for ski patrol. He went into the trees to reach the boy, talked to him. Found out his name was Brandon, and that he was 12 years old. Chris asked Brandon what hurt, and he said his lip and his leg. He was screaming about his leg, and his lip was split. Chris assumed his leg was broken. He said with Brandon until ski patrol came so he could pass on info. Chris was so excited about it all that he was radiating it all. I told him it was fine, and that I'd go down the bunny hill a few more times then we'd go up.

Well... that 'few times' seemed to go by too fast. Faster than I could imagine, I was in line for the ski lift, and my heart was racing. We get on, and I start kinda freaking out. The ski lift is high, and I know its not the worst of it all. We get to the top, and... well... you can only go down. So... down we go. I fell a lot. Not from losing my balance or anything though, but just because I'd get going so fast that I couldn't slow down or stop, and was scared I was losing control, and would make myself fall so I would stop. Chris was VERY VERY patient and helped me, taught me, and helped me up when I fell. After a bit I started to have fun. Around 4:30 we went in for some food. I wasn't hungry, so I just got an orange juice, and stole a few of Chris's fries. We then went back to the hill. After a little bit, I start to get tired, and was falling more, and didn't have the energy to get up anymore. Around 7 I told Chris that it was my last run (as we had been there for 7 hours), but that he could go once more. He thanked me, kissed me, and did his last run.

When he was done, went inside, got out of our ski-stuff, and into the car. I guess I should've mentioned that it had been snowing since about 2pm. 5.5 hours now. There was quite a bit of snow on the ground. Chris asked me if I was ok for driving. I told him yes, and we got on the road. Chris and I had plans to go out with his best friend, Sean, for karaoke afterwards. Chris called Sean and told him that we were just leaving Windsor, and that we might not make it for karaoke. Sean said "If the weather doesn't clear up, I'M not going, and I live right across the road from the place!" We laughed, and wished him a good night.

The drive was quite long and boring. Took us 1.5 hours to get from Windsor to Dartmouth. We arrived at 9. Chit-chatted with his mom for a short moment before they went to the store. Chris and I ordered a pizza and went downstairs to eat pizza and watch a movie. His parents got home, and came downstairs to ask us about skiing and score some pizza. We chatted with them, then when they went upstairs, we finished our movie. We talked a lot, and before we knew it, it was 1:30am. Chris had to work at 10:00am! He kissed me good night, and let me sleep downstairs where it was warm, and he went upstairs to the top level to sleep. He sent me a few texts before we both passed out.

9:30am I'm awaken by Chris poking my stomach. I smiled, and made room for him on the couch. We talked a bit while he re-built the fire. I then noticed the time, and asked about work. He said he called in and said he'd be late, and that they actually need him to pick something up, so we were good. We woke up, packed up my stuff, said Goodbye to Chris's mom and dad, and then headed off. We went to the Petro-Can on Wyse Rd to get gas, Wendy's on Wyse Rd to get the cheese that Chris's work needed, and then headed to Chris's work. I dropped him off, he kissed me goodbye, and I was on my way.

I stopped in Windsor for about an hour and visited with Becky while she asked about Chris and I, and talked about church and what-not. Then I got back on the highway to New Minas. Stopped quickly in New Minas to give Kate back her ski pants, then got back on the highway to Aylesford. I picked up Tylor, talked with him a little bit, then dropped him off at his grammie's. I then came home.

That was my weekend. Yesterday I hurt SO bad from skiing that I could hardly move, and couldn't sleep. It even hurt to laugh. But, its a good hurt. Just from working the muscles and whatnot.

How was your weekend? :)

Monday, March 3, 2008

To blog, or not to blog... That is the question

I had fully intended on doing a blog update today of my weekend. I'm gonna try, but I'm mega tired. We shall see how far we get.

Alright. Friday I worked, as normal, but with both kids since Brent had an in-service due to parent-teacher. The day was normal, with Mike out of house not at work, but at meetings and such. At 2:00 he came and picked up Sydney to head into Kentville for a dermatologist appointment she had for a rash that wont go away. I had kept Brent, and got ready. Around 3:15, Brent and I hopped in my car, and got on the road to meet Mike and Sydney in Coldbrook so I could pass Brent off, and head off for me to do my own thing. We did the transfer at Coldbrook Tims, I got my pay, and then we parted ways. I went into downtown Kentville to pay something off, then to Access Nova Scotia to get a replacement license since I couldn't find mine. Got my license re-done (after an extra $36 dollar charge I wasn't expecting, and a 25 minute wait). From there, I went to Tim's to get a tea, and then to Wolfville to see Kate and get some ski pants from her.
Waited for Kate for about 20 minutes, then she finally brought them out to me. I got on the highway, and traveled to Windsor subway to get a salad for supper, then to Becky's to eat and meet up with the crew. I ate my salad (so yummy), listened to Seasons of Love a dozen times, and put my make-up on while Becky's friend Amanda showed up, and my friend Chris showed up. We all headed over to the Windsor Community Center, and got settled in our seats for the 2008 Winkie Awards. The awards went awesomely. I sang in 4 sets, and they all went perfectly. Also, Chris won a door prize, which was wicked. A 6 month subscription to the Hants Journal... a perfect gift for someone who lives in Dartmouth. LOL!

That's pretty much the end of the Winkies, after that, we went to the pub.
And I'm tired. So I'll post this, and finish up the weekend tomorrow.


Thursday, February 28, 2008

Update - Its been a while

Hey fellow cyber people.
Its been a while since I've updated, but things have been so crazy and up in the air that I haven't really had much time to update, or much to really say... aside from the prayer request I had posted earlier.

This weekend is coming up fast, and I'm sooooo excited. I work tomorrow until an unknown time. Mike has to attend parent-teacher interviews tomorrow for Brent at 1:30, and then has a dermatologist appointment in Kentville for Sydney at 3. I don't know if he'll take Brent or not. I kinda hope he does so that it gives a little extra time to do what I need to do. Anywho, when I'm 'off', I have to go into Kentville to Access NS to pay something, and then get a replacement license since I can't seem to find mine. Once that's complete, I'm stopping somewheres to grab a bite to eat and then heading into Windsor. I'm due there at 6:30 for the Winkie Awards to start at 7. The night should be amazing. Lots of entertainment, as well as awards given out. I doubt I'll be getting one, which is fine, but its going to be a great time anyways. I'll be on stage for 3 songs. Two from King Island Christmas (The Oomiak song where the ladies sing the chorus, and then On The Mountain Top in which I have a solo), and then Joe, Travis and I are singing 'Seasons of Love' from the Rent soundtrack. I'm nervous about singing it because I haven't quite got it right yet. I know the song like the back of my hand, but when its just you and two guys, along with a piano, its a different feeling than singing along with the CD while you drive down the highway. And since there'll be a HUGE audience there listening, I'll be MORE nervous. I'll SEE if I can snag Kim (the pianist) and go through the harmony parts a few times before-hand. I hope I can. If not, oh well. It wont sound bad. I'LL just know that I sang it wrong. I invited Becky to come to the Winkies to have a good time, as well as Chris. I'm rather excited, but because of the late invite to Chris, I have to give him my ticket. Not a big deal... Just means that I don't get the turkey dinner. Hence why I'm grabbing a bite on the way.

When the Winkies are over, Chris and I are driving Becky into Kentville so she can house/dog sit for her sister. Then swinging into New Minas so I can grab some ski pants from Kate, and then heading BACK to Windsor/Dartmouth... just depends on if he gets dropped off in Windsor, or drove in himself. I'll spend a LITTLE time with Chris, and then head into Cole Harbour to visit my Claire. I'll be spending the night with my Claire-Bear (which will mean giggling and talking all night and not going to bed 'til late) and then getting up early Saturday morning. Well, not as early as I get up for work, but close enough. I'll wake at 7, get some brekkie, say bye to Claire-Bear, then head off to be at Chris's in Dartmouth at 8am. We'll jump in HIS car and head BACK to Windsor. Jump outta the car, get alllllllllll bundled up then head to the mountains - to ski. I'm SO scared lol. I've gone skiing once before, in grade 2, and spent the entire day on the bunny hill. Chris told me he's patient and can teach me. I hope he can. It should be great.

Chris wants to ski from 9am - 7pm or so, and will be purchasing me some din-din while we ski. When we're done, and thawed, we'll head back to Dartmouth, change our clothes, then meet up with his best friend at some local unknown (to me) pub for some karaoke. After that, plans aren't made. I'll go to church somewheres... Either Dartmouth, Windsor, or Kentville, just depending on how the night goes.

Phew... My weekend is PACKED, but I'm soooo stoked. It'll be the time leading up to being 'off' that'll drag on. Brent's home from school tomorrow because of parent-teacher and I might end up taking them to Roo's... I dunno that yet. Actually... I probably will.

General life is alright. Still feeling isolated and only really seeing Tylor, and Matt sometimes. I'm really appreciating the more 'mature' sides of the friendship I have with Tylor. Coincidentally, Tylor has two kids almost the same ages as Brent and Sydney. Tylor and I went for coffee last night so I could talk about what's been going on in this house. He has the experience of having kids the same age - also has the experience of living in a broken home at the same as that Brent is. We talked for a good 2 hours about everything and he gave me some really great advice. Told me that I was doing a good job and praised me for keeping my cool being stuck in amongst everything that's going on. Gave me a good boost after the crappy day I had yesterday.

Yesterday mom and dad were in town for a meeting that dad had with the ministerial board (which went great - YAY DAD!). They met me in Kingston Timmies for coffee (for mom) and tea (for dad and I) and we got to catch up. Come to think about it, then didn't do much talking LOL. I guess I was the one with stuff on my mind. We chatted (I mean, I chatted) for a good half hour, and then they had to take off for the drive home. They were able to give me good parenting advise and keep my spirits up during it all.

Sydney's been to more doctor appointments in the past month than you can shake a fist at. Reminds me of when I was a kid and was going to the doctor all the time for stuff. Sydney has eczema which has placed a rosy red patch on her cheek, but lately, she's been having a lot more problems with her skin. It started off with small pimple like (almost bug bit looking marks) on her body (mostly her belly), but then they started to spread more, and then went to her feet. She's seen her family dr, and it's not chicken pox, or measels, or scabies, or anything like that. Today she went and saw Dr. Charlie Brown about it all. He was concerned and booked an appointment for tomorrow (which, only someone as well respected as Charlie Brown can do) with a dermatologist. She also went Sunday night to Soldier's Memorial Hospital to have her hand checked out...

I can't really think of much else that's been happening. I think I'll start making a list of things I have to pack for this weekend.

Ciao for now. :)


Sydney, the cutest little girl.

Sydney showing off her reading skills, while sitting in her Dora chair, and watching Wiggles on TV.

Eating cheezies. This is the best pic I have to show the spot on her cheek.

Brent (8), and Sydney (16 months).

Monday, February 25, 2008

Prayer Request

It's been quite a long time since my last post. For the most part, things are still the same. Still doing the nanny thing, and whatnot. Doing some stuff for the theatre company, which is exciting.

I'm making this short because I'm exhausted, but we need prayers here at the house. This past weekend was quite horrible, and the Pattens (and I) need prayers for peace of mind, clarity, guidance, forgiveness, understanding, love, and all that other stuff. More than that, I can't really say anything, but I just pray that things soon come down from being completely up in the air.
Thanks everyone.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Another angel in heaven


12 years old is too young to be murdered.

Justice must be served.

I pray that he/she who is responsible will come forward and be given adequate punishment.

Rest in peace.